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One Step At a Time

Posted by Brandy Miller on Saturday, March 21, 2009,
Today, I spoke with the Assistant to the Bishop and emailed her the materials to review for the Bishop.  She said what will most likely happen is that we will meet with the Vicor General first, and then he will present our case to the Bishop.  She was very helpful and very sweet.  I appreciated greatly her time.

I emailed materials to Catholic Charities, as I would like to partner with them so that the donations we receive are earmarked 90% for them and 10% for us.  My goal is to drive people ...
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177 lbs...only 57 more to go!

Posted by Brandy Miller on Friday, March 20, 2009,
So I weighed myself today. I have lost three pounds since my last weigh-in. Not a huge accomplishment, but it's almost 2% of my original weight.  I have finished a rough draft of the talk.  This came to me during my silent retreat two weeks ago, and I am thinking about scheduling a time to try it out on my Christian friends.  Nothing says friendship like being a guinea pig in the name of God's glory :>). 

I forgot to mention that Monday as I was leaving daily mass a guy that is a sponsor for ...
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Walking...and Talking

Posted by Brandy Miller on Monday, March 16, 2009,
Since my last post...

1) I spoke with Monsignor Duesman at St. Ann's.  He gave a lukewarm reception to the idea but in retrospect I don't think I was explaining it so that he truly understood what I was trying to get at.  I think he was thinking primarily in dollars and cents when I was talking about sharing because he kept bringing up how much money St. Ann's gives.  I guess he thought I was looking for money.  It is true that this walk will need money to operate - we're going to be giving up...
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Where we stand

Posted by Brandy Miller on Wednesday, March 11, 2009,
I've been doing a lot of background work on PAW these last three weeks.  I've contacted the deacon of our parish to see about getting approvals. He wants me to come into the office to talk in person. He also suggested I contact the Bishops of each diocese to see if they will support this work.  I've talked with Dave Allen at Guadalupe Radio Network, and I will be talking with him again this week, but he says that he believes it is certainly the kind of work that they would be very interested ...
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About Me

Brandy (Spooner) Miller
Lewisville, Tx
Brandy (Spooner) Miller


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